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Lies, damned lies, and deeper levels of this hellish pit

(This is a work in progress. Come back later when it's done)

I don't like politics. I've said before that if I ever get involved in it it'll mean that things have gone seriously wrong. Well, things are now pretty bad in the United States, and one of our problems is the rampant lying in our politics. There are other problems, but this is one that I think I'm well suited to discuss - and without getting too directly involved in the partisan hackery that so dominates our discussions.

There are levels to lying, as there are to many things. Novices to a deep field are often surprised by that depth, like a tic-tac-toe player being surprised at just how good you can get at chess. Well, politics is a deep field, and truth is deeper still. And lies, being the counterpart to truth, also has many levels.

These levels are often neglected, much to the detriment of our discussions. A "lie" can be something as innocuous as "I'm fine", or it

People will talk about how "I'm fine" or "I'm too busy" are some of the most common lies, a

, as if that's at all comparable to, say, "the bab

Well, things are going pretty wrong now.
But the US is in trouble

Lying is but one part of this problem, but one that I think I can address:

Let's talk about the boy who cried wolf.

This is enough for a total loss of credibility.

But there are the deeper layers

Note that this is not an endorsement of one side. This is not even a "both sides are equally bad" statement. Our government ought to be of, by, and for the people. It is currently a government of politicians, by the media, for the corporations.

As for my politics, I am an absolute monarchist. My King holds all authority in heaven and earth. My ultimate allegiance is to him and his kingdom. Earthly leaders are legitimate only insofar as they have his mandate. Democracy just happens to be a pretty good way to discover that mandate.

We in America are falling short of all this. But I intend to work and pray that his kingdom come, his will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

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