I'm still working on "The first commandment: children, dominion, and the default purpose for your life". I should be able to work on it a lot more in the coming weeks.
Still working on "The first commandment: children, dominion, and the default purpose for your life" and other possibly related topics, as well as doing some minor related maintenance.
Still working on "The first commandment: children, dominion, and the default purpose for your life". Other possible topics that I may need to tackle first:
I'm still working on "The first commandment: children, dominion, and the default purpose for your life", and the structure of the post as a whole. But there are several other posts that may be necessary as a prerequisite, and other current events that are serving as pretty effective distractions for me.
I'm still working on "The first commandment: children, dominion, and the default purpose for your life", and the structure of the post as a whole. I think this may have turned into a bit of a pickle, but we'll see.
I'm still working on "The first commandment: children, dominion, and the default purpose for your life", but I may have to split off several thoughts from it into its own posts. I'll have to think about this some more.