
Theology, philosophy, math, science, and random other things

The want of a mate (Part 5)

Humanity was inescapably doomed. There was simply no way to increase the population. And every time a couple failed to produce two children, humans would lose another sliver of hope, take one more step towards extinction. Mara was an elder in her tribe, which was one of the larger tribes remaining in the world. It […]

The want of a mate (Part 4)

(Read part 3 of the story) Rose felt torn - she understood the arguments from those talking heads, but she also could not deny the feelings in her heart. The vast majority of the human population had the gift now. They were, for the most part, happy with their lot in life. There was the […]

The want of a mate (Part 3)

(Read part 2 of the story) Sarah was old now. But looking back, she couldn't help but feel satisfied with her life. She was glad of her gift. She remembered how she had fantasized about the man of her dreams. How, in her youth before the gift kicked in, dating had been so incredibly difficult. […]

The want of a mate (Part 2)

(Read part 1 of the story.) Tina did not talk to her father often. In fact, she'd probably describe their relationship as "strained", and she was pretty sure that her father would not disagree. But she had to talk to him at length about this "gift". "So it's all true? I can get any man […]

The want of a mate (Part 1)

"I hate this", said Adam, to his empty dining room. It was late at night. He was alone. His only company at his table were several bottles of wine and his glass. He was just a drunk man, talking to himself out of the anguish of his latest break-up. So it was with mild surprise […]

On martyrdom - a parable (Part 2)

There was once a man who loved his family very much. He had a lovely wife, two adorable children, and a big, friendly dog. He always brought a portrait of his family where ever he went: of course, there was an enlarged copy of it hanging in the living room of his home. There was […]

How to think about the future

This post is a consolidation of a whole series of posts into one post. It's fairly long. Click on the following entries in the table of contents below to jump directly there: The future is completely unpredictable It turns out that the future is completely unpredictable. That may seem like a trivial statement. But most […]

How to think about the future (Part 1)

It turns out that the future is completely unpredictable. That may seem like a trivial statement. But most people have no idea just how true it is. A simple physics calculation may shed some light on this subject. In the film franchise "Back to the Future", the main characters Marty McFly and Doctor "Doc" Emmett […]

Religious freedom and religious accommodations

This post is a consolidation of a whole series into one post. It's fairly long. Click on the following entries in the table of contents below to jump directly there: Introductory case: A Muslim flight attendant who won't serve alcohol There is a news article about a Muslim flight attendant who is in danger of losing her […]

Religious freedom and religious accommodations (Part 5)

In this post, I will tackle the story surrounding Kim Davis. She is the county clerk of Rowan County, Kentucky, who was jailed for some time for refusing to issue marriage licenses. Her rationale was that issuing them to same-sex couples would violate her religious beliefs. The rules for this post are the same as […]
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