
Theology, philosophy, math, science, and random other things

Questions and answers: my career change to data science

I've been working as a data scientist for some time now. This is a change for me. My background is in physics, and my previous work was mostly in education, teaching in the STEM fields. So this is an exciting period in my life. Career changes often are, and data science in particular is an […]

Questions and answers: my career change to data science (Part 2)

(continued from the previous post) 4) What are the best and worst parts of the job? My favorite part of the job is probably something that I've mentioned above - the idea that I'm sharpening my data interpretation skills, that my job is basically to think soundly about data. It's also great to see my […]

Questions and answers: my career change to data science (Part 1)

I've been working as a data scientist for some time now. My background is in physics, and my previous work was mostly in education, teaching in the STEM fields. This is an exciting period in my life. Career changes often are, and data science in particular has been called "the sexiest job of the 21st […]

Sherlock Bayes, logical detective: a murder mystery game

You may next want to read:Basic Bayesian reasoning: a better way to think (Part 1)What is "evidence"? What counts as evidence for a certain position?How to make a fractalAnother post, from the table of contents

How to make a fractal

Click Here for a video tutorial of how to use this program! You may next want to read:Sherlock Bayes, logical detective: a murder mystery game15 puzzle: a tile sliding gameHow is God related to all other fields of study?Another post, from the table of contents

15 puzzle: a tile sliding game

Here's something different for today. You've seen these before; the object of the game is to put the tiles in order by using the empty space to slide them. Have fun! You may next want to read:How is God related to all other fields of study?Make the most of your time and your life. Number […]
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