
Theology, philosophy, math, science, and random other things

Lies, damned lies, and deeper levels of this hellish pit (edit 1)

I'm continuing to write "Lies, damned lies, and deeper levels of this hellish pit".

Improving intra-site connectivity (part 34)

I think I'm done with this series of work! There's still more I'd like to do as I mentioned in this post, but for now I think I'm satisfied with calling this done.

Improving intra-site connectivity (part 33)

Sigh - WP_Query doesn't do what I want it to do. This will take a bit longer than I'd hoped. The plan is to use the surrounding code blocks to handle related posts, which will allow for the "or" condition in taxonomies at least. Then use a completely separate code block to specify a "latest […]

Improving intra-site connectivity (part 32)

All the posts have now been re-formatted to remove the old "you may next want to read" sections. This sequence of posts have gone on for some time now, with some scope creep and lots of changes, but I do think I'm just one week away from being done with it. I just want to […]

Improving intra-site connectivity (part 31)

I am still working on re-formatting all the old posts, now that I have a better way to do the "You may next want to read" section. I've finished up to "Bayesian evaluation for the likelihood of Christ's resurrection (edit 99)", next up is edit 100.

Improving intra-site connectivity (part 30)

I am working on re-formatting all the old posts, now that I have a better way to do the "You may next want to read" section. So far, I've finished up to The biblical timeline of the universe, and next time I'll proceed on with Isn't the universe too big to have humans as its […]

Improving intra-site connectivity (part 29)

Still working on this, although now much of the work is visible on the page. I still have a bit more to do.

Improving intra-site connectivity (part 28)

More major changes - to the footer, to small updates to the layout. There's probably another week or so of work here.

Improving intra-site connectivity (part 27)

This is done, short of some minor stylistic changes that I may still make. The main change is to the all posts page, where there is a much greater functionality to filter through what you want.

Improving intra-site connectivity (part 26)

I think the design is finalized. I just need to move it to this live server.
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